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Get Ready for RMiT

Get Ready for RMiT

Get Ready for RMiT

Get Ready for RMiT

Risk Management in Technology (RMiT) - Guidance issued by Bank Negara Malaysia for managing technology risk for Malaysian financial institutions.

Contact JOS Malaysia to arrange a personal roundtable RMiT compliance briefing.


The date for Malaysia’s financial institutions to report their Risk Management in Technology (RMiT) compliance to the central bank is getting closer. But, the requirements are exhaustive. The policy document alone runs to over 50 pages. And it covers everything from reviewing digital services to evaluating cyber risk, calculating cyber resilience and documenting the institution’s TRMF – Technology Risk Management Framework. Contact us now and we are ready to help you.

JOS Malaysia’s Vulnerability Risk Assessment (VRA) programme

Highlights of the VRA include:
•    Best practices for Risk Management & Mitigation
•    IT Governance & Compliance Posture
•    External Security Assessment in preparation against Cyberthreats
•    Security Awareness workshops across the organization

JOS can also help to improve vigilance and plug any gaps in an institution’s risk posture, with solutions such as:
•    Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)
•    Privilege Access Management (PAM)
•    Encryption
•    Data Loss Protection (DLP)
•    Patch Management
•    Asset Tracking and Management

Get ahead of RMiT

Contact JOS Malaysia to arrange a personal, roundtable RMiT compliance briefing for your board members, senior executives and other stakeholders. And discover what you need to do to demonstrate compliance. And, importantly, how you can do it!

Contact JOS Malaysia to arrange a personal roundtable RMiT compliance briefing.