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Hong Kong
April 17, 2019

JOS Innovation Awards 2018-19: Winning Teams give Customer Experience a Creative Makeover

JOS Innovation Awards 2018-19: Winning teams give customer experience a creative makeover

Judges from JOS, Manulife, Hong Kong Maxim’s Group and Sino Group impressed with innovative ideas and the integration of everyday technology

The JOS Innovation Awards, an annual competition designed to showcase and nurture Hong Kong students’ creativity and innovation, has announced the four winning teams for 2018-19. The Awards, now in their fourth year, invited student teams to provide ideas on improving customer experience in different sectors, including technology, insurance, food & beverage services and property.

Supported by JOS, a technology solutions provider for Asia’s changing environment, and its partners Manulife, Hong Kong Maxim's Group[1] and Sino Group, the JOS Innovation Awards this year attracted over fifty teams. Those shortlisted attended an interactive sharing session and received guidance from business leaders via the mobile app, Gnnovation. Following an exciting final contest, four teams each won HK$30,000 and further mentorship sessions.

“The JOS Innovation Awards have become a magnet in attracting students interested in demonstrating their creativity, critical thinking, enthusiasm and fresh approaches when troubleshooting,” said Eric Or, Managing Director, Greater China, JOS. “All the teams participating in this years’ Awards demonstrated these qualities and are clearly destined to make a great impact in the business world of the future.”

Over fifty teams of between two and five students responded to the initial call to entry back in December last year, and were then whittled down to thirteen teams. Following a panel discussion on customer experience, the shortlisted teams took part in insight and learning ‘huddles’ with business leaders. These huddles gave students the opportunity to understand and ask about the challenges faced by corporations in closed door sessions.

“This has been a valuable experience for us. We were presented with innovative and actionable ideas aligned to our ambition of becoming a digital, customer-centric market leader,” said Francesco Lagutaine, Chief Marketing and Experience Design Officer, Manulife Asia. “The JOS Innovation Awards 2018-19 dovetails with our own talent programmes to identify, develop and nurture the next generation of future industry leaders.”

“Traditionally, the customer experience at the retail level can have a short lifecycle and needs to be refreshed regularly to remain relevant. This is an area where tremendous time, money and energy is invested,” said Louis Mah, Director of Information Technology, Hong Kong Maxim's Group. “What was especially refreshing to see, was how this was approached by the students and how their ideas utilized current trends and technologies.”

“The Awards provide us with a first-hand look at how students see opportunities for customer experience and how these can be addressed using existing technologies,” said Andrew Young, Associate Director (Innovation), Sino Group. “All the ideas were well thought through, impressive and raised the Awards bar even higher.”

The JOS Innovation Awards 2018-19 winners are:

  1. JOS Team Pioneer for a sophisticated internal system using AI to facilitate decision-making at the sales stage. Team members are Leung See Lok Michael, Poon King Yi Jimmy and Chan Cheuk Yin Keith from City University of Hong Kong.
    Idea: Our idea for JOS, JOSales. It is a sophisticated internal system using AI to help decision-making at the sales stage. By extracting key information of past cases from the existing CRM system and inputting the current situation of sales engagement, the sales can be calculated through a well-designed algorithm with the application of AI. Deal prioritization can be achieved when there are numerous cases simultaneously. Apart from sales, JOSales can help companies identify prospects via analysing past cases in the database and enhance efficiency by researching customers’ information, and improve sales performance.
  2. Manulife Team Smart L for a mobile application aimed at shifting customer habits and minimizing repetitive procedures. Team members are Hui Chui Yi Vicki, Liu Yao Xin Mena from The University of Hong Kong, Yu Ho Wing Lawrence from University of Oxford and Mo Tin Yau Alex from The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
     ‘Smart L’ minimises Manulife’s repetitive procedures at execution. A mobile application aimed at shifting customer habits from face-to-face meetings and data-based documentation to virtual meetings and electronic signatures. Main features include an online video-call booking system for technical support, drastically reducing transportation and time costs of agents, and a discussion forum for customers’ queries. Entertainment and education can be achieved simultaneously with life simulation games to develop customers’ change of attitude towards insurance products and online processing systems. With ‘Smart L’, an easier management of insurance makes lives better.
  3. Hong Kong Maxim’s Group Team Finnovate for a mobile application with a focus on customer health. Team members are Kwong Hing Tim Kony, Irving Teh, Cha Lok Yiu Rachel and Ngai Tak Ki Gary from The University of Hong Kong.
    This idea has a focus on customer health and is two-pronged. Firstly, the idea expands Maxim’s mobile app to include a personalised health tracking portal that provides key insights generated through data analytics and photos of food uploaded by users. Secondly, incorporates a one-click smart ordering function. Overall, by leveraging big data and analytics, customers gain value through valuable insights on their eating habits, intelligent and adaptive food recommendations, effortless one-click ordering, and facilitating a healthier diet and lifestyle.
  4. Sino Group Team Sporty Teens for an all-in-on e-wristband provided for hotel guests that achieve multiple functions. Team members are Lee Pui Yi Jennifer from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Lo Chung Yi Joey from The University of Hong Kong.
    Sino EmBracelet is an all-in-one contactless e-wristband provided for hotel guests that achieves five functions:
    •    Access: used to unlock hotel rooms and access facilities, gain iPrestige rewards, event tickets and vouchers.
    •    Payment: Record all payments and subsequently route back to the final bill.
    •    Cross-selling: Collect a full set of 'e-stamps' from different locations of Sino Resorts to gain points or other rewards.
    •    Security alert given when children, the elderly and disabled exceed preset distances, identify and assist in inconvenient places.
    •    Energy saving: Detect human existence, e.g. turn off electrical appliances when users leave the room.

[1] Disclaimer:
“Maxim’s” and any name, logo or trademark of any restaurants and any intellectual property right therein used or referenced in this article belong to Maxim’s Caterers Limited, a company operating in Hong Kong, and/or its affiliates.”


Please click to view high quality photos:

JOS Innovation Awards 2018-19 - Photo 1
(From left to right): Ivan Yau, General Manager – Community Affairs, Sino Group; Eric van der Hoeven, Chief Executive of JTH Group; Louis Mah, Director – Information Technology, Hong Kong Maxim’s Group and Hamish Bruce, Asia Head of Talent Acquisition, Manulife Asia

JOS Innovation Awards 2018-2019 - JOS Winning team - Photo 2 Representatives from JOS and the winning team Pioneer

JOS Innovation Awards 2018-2019 - Manulife Winning team - Photo 3 Representatives from Manulife Asia, JOS and the winning team Smart-L

JOS Innovation Awards 2018-2019 - Maxims Winning team - Photo 4 Representatives from Hong Kong Maxim's Group, JOS and the winning team Finnovate

JOS Innovation Awards 2018-2019 - JOS Winning team - Photo 2 Representatives from Sino Group, JOS and the winning team Sporty Teens

About JOS Innovation Awards
Founded in 2015, the JOS Innovation Awards aim to inspire, nurture and recognise students in Hong Kong for their smart ideas and innovative thinking in improving industry performance. The JOS Innovation Awards are open to all full-time undergraduate and post-graduate students from local universities and higher education institutions and accepts group applications of two to five members in a team.

JOS is committed to inspire Hong Kong students on the path to make the world a more efficient and better place to live. To date, the JOS Innovation Awards have inspired over 500 Hong Kong university and tertiary education students to go beyond their day-to-day curriculums and create innovative ideas that solve real-world problems.

This is not simply a one-day event, but a holistic programme that expands students’ horizons by giving them exposure to the working world and expert mentorship. Under the leadership and guidance of JOS experts, student teams build upon their innovations and hone their presentation skills.

JOS Manulife Maxims SinoJOS Team winnerManulife Team WinnerSino Team winnerMaxim's team winner

JOS Innovation Awards 2018-19: Winning teams give customer experience a creative makeover
JOS Innovation Awards 2018-19: Winning teams give customer experience a creative makeover
Hong Kong
February 24, 2017

JOS 發掘香港年青新力軍 學生比賽啟發科創智慧

FasTABLE 應用程式縮短用餐等候時間於 JOS 2016-2017 年度創意比賽奪魁

香港 – 2017 年2 月24 日 – 亞洲領先的科技和技術解決方案供應商之一JOS,今天假香港科學園舉行第二屆「JOS Innovation Awards」總決賽及頒獎典禮,表揚香港新一代的創意,如何運用智慧科技解決都市問題。FasTABLE勇奪JOS Innovation Awards鉑金獎,有關意念旨在縮短快餐店用餐等候時間。是屆比賽吸引來自香港超過10家大學及大專院校合共37支隊伍報名參加,當中篩選出8支隊伍躋身今天舉行之總決賽,展示他們嶄新的科技解決方案角逐創意大獎, EZPark和PLUS II則分別獲得金獎和銀獎。

自2015年起,JOS Innovation Awards至今已吸引接近300名來自香港大學及專上學院的學生參與,該比賽讓學生們走出課室,鼓勵他們發揮創意,運用創新科技解決日常生活上所遇到的難題。JTH Group(JOS公司之管理層)集團人力資源董事龐燕妮女士表示:「JOS對於能夠肩負培育香港新一代創新人才的使命深感自豪。這個比賽並不是一個為期一天的活動,而是一個讓學生擴闊視野,從接觸實際工作環境而汲取行業專家寶貴意見的全面計劃。在JOS專家的指導和引領下,參賽學生把創新意念逐步實踐之餘,同時借此鍛鍊和提升他們的演講技巧。此外,這個活動更是一個獨特的雙向學習機會,一方面同學們可以得到JOS團隊的指導和啟發,另一方面,我們亦可以從年輕人身上了解他們的展望與抱負。」

龐女士續稱:「JOS Innovation Awards是我們人才招聘策略的一部分。除了鉑金獎的得獎隊員可以獲得公司實習機會之外,我們亦會邀請其他合適的參賽學生參加我們的實習和畢業生實習計劃。我們的比賽不單在香港舉行,JOS之新加坡辦事處亦於今年舉辦首屆JOS Innovation Awards,務求為行業注入更多新力量。 」

今年入圍參賽隊伍的解決方案涵蓋多個領域,包括智能交通、未來餐旅業及智慧零售,以及兩個全新主題 ─ 綠色生活及創新醫療。2016 – 2017年度JOS Innovation Awards得獎名單如下:

鉑金獎得獎隊伍 – FasTABLE

  • 參賽隊伍致力解決連鎖快餐業普遍面對的問題,運用動態探測器識別空桌及訂單,以充分提升翻枱率、客座量及改善食客用餐體驗。
  • 隊員:來自香港城市大學的麥晋謙、劉穎蕎、陳學樺和香港大學的李震聰
  • 可獲獎金港幣55,000元,各隊員可獲為期兩個月的實習機會


金獎得獎隊伍 – EZPark

  • 參賽隊伍針對駕駛人士在尋找停車位,以智能感應器和附地圖功能的應用程式,簡化整個付款程序。
  • 隊員:來自香港專業教育學院(沙田分校)的何英偉和何百祥;考文垂大學及才晉高等教育學院的 梁嘉龍
  • 可獲獎金港幣30,000元


銀獎得獎隊伍 – PLUS II

  • 參賽隊伍以革新的手提應用程式,鼓勵用家分享過多的飯餸,本著共享經濟及讓剩餘產能獲得最佳分配的理念來減少廢物。
  • 隊員:來自香港中文大學的司徒澄和葉淑恩
  • 可獲獎金港幣15,000元


JOS香港及澳門區董事總經理柯志成先生表示:「我在此祝賀各支得獎隊伍。由我們創辦JOS Innovation Awards至今,每支參賽隊伍一直表現出色,釋放出無限的動力。我們見證了香港年輕一代一直可以發揮無比的創意。我們對於學生們那種對周邊事物觀察入微的態度,以及將創意融合科技,藉此改善生活並創造社會價值之精神,印象深刻。我們對於能夠為新世代提供一個追夢的平台感到十分驕傲。」



  • JTH Group行政總裁雲達奧雲先生
  • JOS集團董事總經理麥郎特先生
  • 香港醫院管理局資訊科技及醫療信息部高級醫療信息經理陳志強醫生
  • 牛奶公司集團商務拓展董事,集團健康及美容林齊娟女士
  • 智慧城市聯盟創辦人及督導委員會主席鄧淑明博士太平坤士
  • 怡中航空服務行政總裁樂衞先生
Hong Kong
February 24, 2017

JOS awards Hong Kong students’ innovative ideas for a better tomorrow

FasTABLE app for shortening dining wait times takes top prize at JOS Innovation Awards 2016-2017

Hong Kong – 24 February, 2017 – JOS, one of Asia’s leading IT services and solutions providers, today recognised young Hong Kong talent for their smart ideas to solve modern city issues at the second annual JOS Innovation Awards, held at Hong Kong Science Park. FasTABLE, which helps shorten wait times in fast food chains, took the Platinum prize at the Awards. Following 37 submissions from more than 10 universities and tertiary institutions, eight shortlisted teams showcased their advanced technology project ideas at today’s culmination event. EZPark and PLUS II took Gold and Silver.

Since 2015, the JOS Innovation Awards have inspired close to 300 Hong Kong university and tertiary education students to go beyond their day-to-day curriculums and create innovative ideas that solve real-world problems. Ms. Jenny Pong, Group Director for Human Resources at JOS’s managing group, JTH Group, said: “JOS is proudly committed to nurturing the next generation of Hong Kong innovators. This is not simply a one-day event, but a holistic programme that expands students’ horizons by giving them exposure to the working world and expert mentorship. Under the leadership and guidance of JOS experts, student teams build upon their innovations they’ve dreamt up and hone their presentation skills. There is a unique opportunity for two-way learning – students receive nurturing mentorship and inspiration from JOS, while we get to learn from the outlooks and aspirations of young people today.”

“The JOS Innovation Awards are an integral part of our talent acquisition strategy. Apart from members of the Platinum-winning team earning internship opportunities, other suitable candidates we have identified during the shortlisting process will also be eligible for invitations to our internship and graduate trainee programs. The Awards bring new blood to the industry in not only Hong Kong, but also Singapore, where JOS’s Singapore office launched our first JOS Innovation Awards there this year,” Pong continued.

Student entrants competed in the categories of Smart Transportation, Future Hospitality, Connected Retail, and two new topics, Green Living and Healthcare Innovation. The following projects were selected as top winners of the JOS Innovation Awards 2016-2017:

Platinum-winning team – FasTABLE

  • This solution makes use of motion detectors to identify vacant tables and food orders, which can maximise the efficiency of table turnaround time, enhance seat utilisation and improve the customer dining experience.
  • Team members: MAK Chun Him, LAU Wing Kiu, CHAN Hok Wah Kelvin, from City University of Hong Kong, and LI Chun Chung, from The University of Hong Kong
  • Wins HK$ 55,000 of prize money and offer of a two-month internship for each team member


Gold-winning team – EZPark

  • The solution allows drivers to identify a parking space, while also making it easier to pay, through smart sensors and a map-based app.
  • Team members: HO Ying Wai Jeffrey and HO Pak Cheung, from Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Sha Tin Campus), and LEUNG Ka Lung from Coventry University & School for Higher and Professional Education
  • Wins HK$ 30,000 of prize money


Silver-winning team – PLUS II

  • This solution is a revolutionary mobile application solution to encourage users to share their excess food, in order to combat waste issues through the concept of shared economy and spare capacity maximisation.
  • Team members: SZETO Ching and IP Suk Yan, from The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Wins HK$ 15,000 of prize money


JOS Managing Director for Hong Kong and Macau, Mr. Eric Or said: “I offer my congratulations to the winning teams. Ever since we started the JOS Innovation Awards, every student entry has demonstrated outstanding ideas and motivation. These Hong Kong youth repeatedly prove that great ideas can come from anyone, anywhere. We are deeply impressed with these students, not only for their observations around the impact of everyday problems, but also their creativity in coming up with ideas that can enhance the way we live and create social value through technology. We are proud to offer a platform for the next generation of talent to realise their dreams.”

This year, the Awards brought together cross-industry leaders to participate in the judging panel. Judges presiding over today’s award presentation ceremony included:


  • Eric van der Hoeven, Chief Executive, JTH Group
  • Mark Lunt, Group Managing Director, JOS
  • Dr. Summer Chan, Senior Health Informatician (Clinical Innovation, Quality Assurance & Risk Management), Hospital Authority Hong Kong
  • Ms. Mary Lam, Group Health and Beauty Commercial Director, Dairy Farm Group
  • Dr. Winnie Tang, JP, Founder & Chairman of the Steering Committee, Smart City Consortium
  • Mr. David Walker, Chief Executive, Jardine Aviation Services
Hong Kong
February 09, 2017

JOS showcases powerful Network Segmentation at Cisco Security Connect 2017

Hong Kong – 9 February, 2017– JOS presented Network Segmentation at Cisco Security Connect 2017 held at The Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 20 January 2017. The JOS booth attracted a large number of visitors who came to experience the benefits of these technologies through the combined efforts of JOS and Cisco. JOS demonstrated how to securely control network access that is role-based and topology- and access-independent by network segmentation. The result is even if hackers make their way into an organisation’s network, they can no longer move freely about and cause widespread damage.

Cisco Security Connect is an iconic industry event for delegates to gain insights and discover new possibilities of global trends from industry thought leaders. More than 400 attendees across different sectors participated in this year’s event, and learned the latest technology on integrated threat defense, next-generation security protection, convergence of network and security, as well as cloud security.

Entitled “Cisco Network as an Enforcer”, JOS shared with the delegates on how JOS and Cisco assist them in taking advantage of digital business opportunities in a more secure way. JOS has been recognised for high quality technology consultancy and deep sector knowledge in the market. The showcase enabled JOS to exhibit the company’s competitive edge over other industry players to help clients achieve business successes, and furnish them with the optimal user experience.

JOS has successfully delivered an exceptional experience to the visitors with proven quality and in-depth knowledge.

Hong Kong
January 20, 2017

JOS 預測 2017 年科技發展新趨勢

香港 – 2017 年1月20日 – 全球正探視顛覆性科技應用對商業社會的傳統營運模式及市民日常生活所帶來之革新和全新的發展面貌。新年伊始,JOS作為亞洲主要科技服務供應商之一,綜觀多項嶄新技術在2017年於亞洲地區商業的發展趨勢發表見解。










去年,應用結合擴增實境(AR) 技術的手機遊戲Pokémon GO於全球大受歡迎。隨著AR技術廣獲消費者採納,相信於2017年,相關技術亦逐步應用於工作層面。AR技術可以讓用家獲取顯示在實境的虛擬化資訊,潛力龐大,特別是在應用於維修及工程操作等行業。舉例來說,汽車維修人員可運用免提AR影像重疊技術,即時找出汽車的潛在問題,繼而進行適當維修。



December 07, 2016

JOS and JLT join forces to offer world-class cyber insurance solutions in Asia

First-of-its-kind partnership between a technology solutions provider and a top insurance broker to help customers tackle mounting threats to enterprise security

Malaysia – 7 December, 2016 – JOS, one of Asia’s leading providers of IT services and solutions, is partnering with Jardine Lloyd Thompson (JLT), leading suppliers of insurance, reinsurance and employee benefits-related advice, brokerage and associated services, to launch an innovative suite of cyber insurance and consultancy services as part of JOS’s comprehensive cyber security solutions.

JOS offers a range of cyber security technology and consulting services to ensure its customers stay one step ahead of cyber threats. JLT’s cyber insurance solutions help cover the insured party’s own costs and liabilities resulting from threats, damage or loss of information, as well as the use of systems or networks which are typically not protected under the majority of insurance on the market today.

The combination of JLT’s knowledge of cyber insurance and access to specialist markets with JOS’s suite of cyber security consultancy services is a unique partnership at the leading edge of the industry. This is the first time that a technology consultancy with the long heritage and far reach of JOS is working hand-in-hand with an insurance broker like JLT to offer comprehensive cyber insurance solutions to clients across Asia; via JLT’s hubs in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore.

JOS Group Managing Director, Mark Lunt spoke of the significance of the partnership between JOS and JLT, saying: “We are proud to be at the helm of the next generation of cyber security solutions together with our partner JLT. Working together we are able to provide customers with the unique opportunity to access tailored cyber coverage from one of the world’s leading insurers. With technology underpinning the operations and performance of every international business, it is now more important than ever for market leaders such as JOS and JLT to form strategic partnerships that will enable customers to stay secure in the face of advanced and persistent cyber security risks.”

JOS Group Head of Cyber Security Services, Barnaby Grosvenor added: “Coupled with JLT’s industry leadership, JOS is well poised to help organisations assess, combat and manage a broad range of cyber risks. By capitalising on cutting-edge industry and proprietary tools, JOS is delivering integrated cyber security solutions for customers in Asia – from tailor-made assessments, to a menu of security essentials, to a comprehensive long-term suite of consultancy and services.”

JLT’s Managing Director, Financial Lines Group Asia, Ali Chaudhry went on to say: “At JLT, we have a strong focus on providing clients with specialty products. In the area of cyber security a deep understanding of product and exposure is key. New IT risks are developing rapidly for practically all of our clients, leading to the need for a proactive and innovative approach. In working together with JOS, we are excited to be able to offer our clients customised, end-to-end solutions that will help reduce and manage their cyber security costs and exposures. In parallel, we are also launching our Asian cyber risk analytics tool that will provide our clients with quantitative information on their risk profiles.”

Under the partnership, JOS becomes the flagship member of the JLT Cyber Consortium for Asia. JLT’s Cyber Consortium is a unique global community of leading companies and subject matter experts across the cyber ecosystem that continually collaborate on cyber risk best practices and thought leadership to support mutual clients around their strategic, operational, financial and human resource issues impacted by cyber risk.

Hong Kong
December 07, 2016


香港 – 香港 – 2016 年12月7日 – 亞洲主要系統集成商、技術解決方案供應商和技術諮詢顧問JOS與領先保險、再保險和員工福利諮詢,以及經紀和相關服務之業界翹楚怡和保險顧問集團(JLT)合作,推出一系列創新網絡保險及顧問服務方案,該系列保險方案成為JOS全面網絡安全解決方案組合的一部份。

JOS於企業市場提供一系列網絡安全技術及諮詢服務,為客戶預防網絡威脅,有助企業防範於未然。JLT之網絡保險解決方案涵蓋受保企業無論是因為受到入侵威脅、訊息受損或遺失,又或是因為系統或網絡使用而引致之自身損失和負上之責任均受到保障,該方面保障有別於市場上大部份同類型方案。 JLT於網絡保險領域經驗豐富,同時緊貼專業市場,配合JOS一系列網絡安全解決方案,讓雙方在服務供應方面更相得益彰,並開創業界先河,鞏固行業領導地位。有關合作標誌著保險經紀公司首度與實力雄厚的資訊科技公司 JOS 攜手於亞洲推出全面的網絡保險解決方案,服務覆蓋香港、馬來西亞和新加坡等 JLT 之主要市場。

JOS 集團常務董事麥郎特先生談到是次JOS 與JLT合作的重要性時表示:「我們很高興與JLT結盟,帶領新時代網絡安全解決方案市場。是次合作讓我們的客戶可特享由全球最優秀保險經紀公司之一所提供的量身定制的網絡保障方案。現今,科技往往是推動各家國際企業營運及表現之基礎,加上JOS 和 JLT於市場上各具優勢,這正好是兩家公司戰略性結盟之最佳契機,讓市場客戶在面臨高危和持續的網絡安全風險時,能時刻確保安全。」

JOS集團網絡安全總監Barnaby Grosvenor先生補充道:「 JLT在行業的領導地位,有助JOS作好準備,協助客戶評估、打擊和管理範圍廣泛的網絡風險。JOS能夠善用行業領先的專有技術,無論是定制評估、一系列之安全必要選項,以至全面性長期諮詢和服務組合等,我們致力為亞洲客戶整合網絡安全解決方案。」

JLT亞洲金融及專業責任風險團隊常務董事Ali Chaudhry也表示:「JLT向來專注為客戶提供專門產品。提供網絡安全保障的關鍵,需要對產品有深入的知識和相關之見識。因新資訊科技而產生的風險日新月異,我們的客戶實在有需要採取主動和創新的方法以面對挑戰。通過與JOS合作,我們很高興能夠為客戶提供度身訂造端到端的解決方案,以減少和管理他們的網絡安全成本和風險。與此同時,我們也推出亞洲網絡風險分析工具,為客戶的風險狀況提供定量信息。」


December 07, 2016

JOS and JLT join forces to offer world-class cyber insurance solutions in Asia

First-of-its-kind partnership between a technology solutions provider and a top insurance broker to help customers tackle mounting threats to enterprise security

Malaysia – 7 December, 2016 – JOS, one of Asia’s leading providers of IT services and solutions, is partnering with Jardine Lloyd Thompson (JLT), leading suppliers of insurance, reinsurance and employee benefits-related advice, brokerage and associated services, to launch an innovative suite of cyber insurance and consultancy services as part of JOS’s comprehensive cyber security solutions.

JOS offers a range of cyber security technology and consulting services to ensure its customers stay one step ahead of cyber threats. JLT’s cyber insurance solutions help cover the insured party’s own costs and liabilities resulting from threats, damage or loss of information, as well as the use of systems or networks which are typically not protected under the majority of insurance on the market today.

The combination of JLT’s knowledge of cyber insurance and access to specialist markets with JOS’s suite of cyber security consultancy services is a unique partnership at the leading edge of the industry. This is the first time that a technology consultancy with the long heritage and far reach of JOS is working hand-in-hand with an insurance broker like JLT to offer comprehensive cyber insurance solutions to clients across Asia; via JLT’s hubs in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore.

JOS Group Managing Director, Mark Lunt spoke of the significance of the partnership between JOS and JLT, saying: “We are proud to be at the helm of the next generation of cyber security solutions together with our partner JLT. Working together we are able to provide customers with the unique opportunity to access tailored cyber coverage from one of the world’s leading insurers. With technology underpinning the operations and performance of every international business, it is now more important than ever for market leaders such as JOS and JLT to form strategic partnerships that will enable customers to stay secure in the face of advanced and persistent cyber security risks.”

JOS Group Head of Cyber Security Services, Barnaby Grosvenor added: “Coupled with JLT’s industry leadership, JOS is well poised to help organisations assess, combat and manage a broad range of cyber risks. By capitalising on cutting-edge industry and proprietary tools, JOS is delivering integrated cyber security solutions for customers in Asia – from tailor-made assessments, to a menu of security essentials, to a comprehensive long-term suite of consultancy and services.”

JLT’s Managing Director, Financial Lines Group Asia, Ali Chaudhry went on to say: “At JLT, we have a strong focus on providing clients with specialty products. In the area of cyber security a deep understanding of product and exposure is key. New IT risks are developing rapidly for practically all of our clients, leading to the need for a proactive and innovative approach. In working together with JOS, we are excited to be able to offer our clients customised, end-to-end solutions that will help reduce and manage their cyber security costs and exposures. In parallel, we are also launching our Asian cyber risk analytics tool that will provide our clients with quantitative information on their risk profiles.”

Under the partnership, JOS becomes the flagship member of the JLT Cyber Consortium for Asia. JLT’s Cyber Consortium is a unique global community of leading companies and subject matter experts across the cyber ecosystem that continually collaborate on cyber risk best practices and thought leadership to support mutual clients around their strategic, operational, financial and human resource issues impacted by cyber risk.

Hong Kong
December 07, 2016

JOS and JLT join forces to offer world-class cyber insurance solutions in Asia

First-of-its-kind partnership between a technology solutions provider and a top insurance broker to help customers tackle mounting threats to enterprise security

Hong Kong – 7 December, 2016 – JOS, one of Asia’s leading providers of IT services and solutions, is partnering with Jardine Lloyd Thompson (JLT), leading suppliers of insurance, reinsurance and employee benefits-related advice, brokerage and associated services, to launch an innovative suite of cyber insurance and consultancy services as part of JOS’s comprehensive cyber security solutions.

JOS offers a range of cyber security technology and consulting services to ensure its customers stay one step ahead of cyber threats. JLT’s cyber insurance solutions help cover the insured party’s own costs and liabilities resulting from threats, damage or loss of information, as well as the use of systems or networks which are typically not protected under the majority of insurance on the market today.

The combination of JLT’s knowledge of cyber insurance and access to specialist markets with JOS’s suite of cyber security consultancy services is a unique partnership at the leading edge of the industry. This is the first time that a technology consultancy with the long heritage and far reach of JOS is working hand-in-hand with an insurance broker like JLT to offer comprehensive cyber insurance solutions to clients across Asia; via JLT’s hubs in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore.

JOS Group Managing Director, Mark Lunt spoke of the significance of the partnership between JOS and JLT, saying: “We are proud to be at the helm of the next generation of cyber security solutions together with our partner JLT. Working together we are able to provide customers with the unique opportunity to access tailored cyber coverage from one of the world’s leading insurers. With technology underpinning the operations and performance of every international business, it is now more important than ever for market leaders such as JOS and JLT to form strategic partnerships that will enable customers to stay secure in the face of advanced and persistent cyber security risks.”

JOS Group Head of Cyber Security Services, Barnaby Grosvenor added: “Coupled with JLT’s industry leadership, JOS is well poised to help organisations assess, combat and manage a broad range of cyber risks. By capitalising on cutting-edge industry and proprietary tools, JOS is delivering integrated cyber security solutions for customers in Asia – from tailor-made assessments, to a menu of security essentials, to a comprehensive long-term suite of consultancy and services.”

JLT’s Managing Director, Financial Lines Group Asia, Ali Chaudhry went on to say: “At JLT, we have a strong focus on providing clients with specialty products. In the area of cyber security a deep understanding of product and exposure is key. New IT risks are developing rapidly for practically all of our clients, leading to the need for a proactive and innovative approach. In working together with JOS, we are excited to be able to offer our clients customised, end-to-end solutions that will help reduce and manage their cyber security costs and exposures. In parallel, we are also launching our Asian cyber risk analytics tool that will provide our clients with quantitative information on their risk profiles.”

Under the partnership, JOS becomes the flagship member of the JLT Cyber Consortium for Asia. JLT’s Cyber Consortium is a unique global community of leading companies and subject matter experts across the cyber ecosystem that continually collaborate on cyber risk best practices and thought leadership to support mutual clients around their strategic, operational, financial and human resource issues impacted by cyber risk.

Hong Kong
November 25, 2016

JOS recognised as FY 2016 Top Performing HP Inc Reseller

Hong Kong – 25 November, 2016 – JOS has been awarded with HP Inc FY 2016 Top Performing Reseller in Hong Kong, an award presented at HP Inc FY17 Channel Kick Off Dinner held on 24 November 2016. JOS won the award for its excellent achievement and best year-to-year performance among the many HP Inc’s partners in Hong Kong.

The award demonstrates JOS’s strong customer relations and seamless collaboration with world-class technology providers like HP Inc and highlights the company’s competitive market position in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong
November 14, 2016

JOS receives SMBWorld Awards 2016 for Best Consulting & Systems Integration

Hong Kong – 14 November, 2016 – JOS received SMBWorld Awards 2016 for Best Consulting & Systems Integration at the Award presentation ceremony held on 11 November 2016.

Using a dynamic selection process, SMBWorld invites the publication’s readers and members of the different supporting organisations to present their choices for companies that best demonstrate excellence in each of the different award categories. This is a significant achievement for JOS as the SMBWorld Award reflects market perception about JOS’s professional consultancy and quality of work. It is an important form of recognition for the company’s expertise in providing the best IT solutions for Hong Kong’s SMB market and dedication towards fulfilling its customers’ needs.

Hong Kong
November 07, 2016

JOS’s networking capabilities underlined in the VMware NSX for Horizon Showcase at vFORUM 2016 Hong Kong

Hong Kong – 7 November, 2016 – JOS was proud to showcase VMware NSX for Horizon at vForum 2016 Hong Kong held on 4 November 2016. The annual VMware event enabled industry players to deliver useful knowledge and industry insights to help enterprises master powerful business innovation, unrestrained by technical limitations.

The vendor event brought to the market a crowd of over 1,100 delegates across different sectors. JOS’s showcase was able to benefit from this industry exposure. Businesses learned the networking and security essentials for virtual desktops and apps. Speed and simplicity to virtual desktop are the outcomes of VMware NSX for Horizon. Delegates discovered how a multi-tier virtual network environment works and how a cloud-like environment helps improve efficiencies with JOS.

Mainland China
October 31, 2016

JOS深耕中国IT服务市场,创新实践获权威肯定 荣膺“2016年中国行业IT服务最佳解决方案奖”

北京 – 2016年10月31日 – 今日,亚洲主要系统集成商、技术解决方案供应商和技术咨询顾问JOS宣布荣膺“2016年中国行业IT服务最佳解决方案奖”。该奖项是“2016年中国IT创新年会”上业界同行竞相角逐的一项荣誉。JOS凭借其在中国IT服务市场的专注耕耘、扎实的服务创新、以及务实的IT服务部署,斩获了此项殊荣。






Hong Kong
October 14, 2016

JOS showcases featured IoT solutions at MSX // IoT in Hong Kong

Hong Kong – 14 October, 2016 – JOS demonstrated its Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities at the MSX // IoT (Microsoft Experience – Internet of Things) in Hong Kong, a Microsoft Hong Kong event held on 13 October 2016 which aimed to help delegates discover new insights and possibilities with IoT.

JOS brought to the 100 delegates across different key sectors like financial services, retail and consumer goods, property and hospitality, media & communications and manufacturing & resources CityTree and JOS Retail Analytics Solution. JOS unlocked the true business value of IoT and how its tailored IoT solutions can meet business specific needs at the event.

During the IoT innovation showcase, JOS shared with the delegates how the features of the two IoT solutions help retailers create a smarter and greener business. CityTree, a first-of–its–kind IoT solution in Asia, integrates moss and sensors to provide cleaner air to the surroundings; and the environmental data collected through the sensors can help businesses make intelligent decisions to maintain an optimal environment and gain an understanding of people’s behavior.

JOS Retail Analytics Solution designed for retailers and shopping mall owners is an integrated solution platform for retail analytics which integrates with sensors, cameras and mobile Wi-Fi data. It allows retailers to identify the uniqueness of their customers; and by making use of the data, retailers can provide proactive and personalised services to enhance the customer experiences.

Delegates walked away with new insights and possibilities with JOS’s featured solutions and learned the potential business value harnessed by exploiting existing technology assets.

October 03, 2016

JOS exchanges insights with the region’s top executives at industry’s foremost summit

Singapore – 3 October, 2016 – JOS, a Sliver Sponsor, demonstrated its thought leadership in the technology space by hosting a series of Enterprise Networking Table discussions at the Annual CIO Summit held on 29 September 2016 in Singapore. The industry’s foremost gathering of CIOs in Asia saw over 160 CIOs and senior IT executives from across different industries in Asia, offering industry practitioners an opportunity to keep abreast of the latest global trends, learn from the best practices and engage in discussions during dedicated networking sessions.

Technology heads across Asia had the opportunity to hear about the latest global trends, learn from ICT best practices and get involved in general discussions with counterparts and peers during the dedicated networking breaks. Spearheading a number of digital transformation projects for its enterprise clients in the region, JOS management team appreciated the chance to interact with the delegates, sharing thought-provoking and strategic insights on increasing revenue, improving productivity, enhancing customer experience and meeting compliances through digital transformation.

Mr. Freddy Lee, Managing Director of Southeast Asia, JOS hosted a series of Enterprise Networking Table (ENT) discussion, on the topic of Monetisation – New Revenue Stream. As a technology expert, Mr. Lee provided valuable insights on emerging technology trends, changing roles of CIOs as well as frameworks mapping strategic technology solutions to protect, increase and generate revenue for businesses. The sessions were well-received by the delegates who participated in many engaging and constructive conversations on the pressing challenges they face and possible ways of leveraging technologies to transform into growth opportunities.

On the key takeaways for the summit, Mr. Lee said, “It was a pleasure to meet with top IT executives from Asia’s leading companies. 85% of organisations have embarked on at least one digital transformation project, of which most are led by CIOs or CDOs. Many shared the need for existing IT departments and CIOs to now juggle functional, process enhancement and business growth priorities all at once. As I shared our experience working with customers on their digital journey, the message of taking practical steps, aligning stakeholder expectations, incorporating agility and building new KPIs resonated with all delegates I’ve met. We had good discussions sharing success stories, lessons learned and workable ideas for IT executives looking to create a path towards significantly growing value in their organisations.”

Lee continued, “While the topic of digital transformation is pervasive in organisations these days, it is as much about change management as it is a technology application project. Therefore, JOS believes in understanding each customer’s unique circumstances and challenges, both technologically and otherwise, in order to provide carefully tailor-made solutions to achieve their business goals together.”

Hong Kong
September 19, 2016

學界科研盛事 “JOS Innovation Awards 2016-17” 現正接受報名

香港 – 2016 年 9 月 19 日 – 由亞洲主要系統集成商、技術解決方案供應商和技術諮詢顧問JOS主辦 的 “JOS Innovation Awards” 現已接受報名 。

“JOS Innovation Awards” 昂然邁進第二屆,旨在啟發、培育和發掘香港學生的的嶄新意念與創新思维。該比賽歡迎於香港就讀的全日制大專生、本科生和研究生報名參賽。是項活動為香港就讀學生提供了實現夢想的平台,鼓勵他們透過應用創新技術發揮搶意,從而令社會生活更具效率,帶來更美好的將來。















有見首屆比賽 (2015至2016年度) 於香港成功舉行,JOS 遂今年於新加坡首度推出該項比賽。兩個賽區的比賽截止日期均為2016年11月7日。

Hong Kong
September 19, 2016

JOS Innovation Awards 2016-17 is now on!

Hong Kong – 19 September, 2016 – JOS, one of Asia’s leading systems integrators, solutions providers and technology consultancies, today announced JOS Innovation Awards is now open for submission.

Entering its second year, the JOS Innovation Awards come inspire, nurture and recognise students in Hong Kong for their smart ideas and innovative thinking. Full-time tertiary, undergraduate and post-graduate students studying in Hong Kong are eligible for entering the Awards. The program provides a platform for students to realize their dreams by applying innovative technology to make our world a more efficient and better place to live.

The Awards accept group applications of two to five members in a team. This year, the competition features in FIVE key areas and students are required to submit innovations enabled by technologies – Internet of Things, mobility or web-based solutions.


Green Living

Smart Transportation

Future Hospitality

Healthcare Innovation

Connected Retail


Cash prizes will presented in three categories:


Platinum Award HK$55,000 cash and internship opportunities

Gold Award HK$30,000 cash

Silver Award HK$15,000 cash

Following the inaugural success in Hong Kong (2015-16), JOS has launched the awards programme in Singapore. Award entries for both locations close on or before 7 November 2016.

Hong Kong
September 14, 2016

JOS showcases how to turn big data into big growth at Big Data Solution Day 2016

Hong Kong – 14 September, 2016 – Entitled “Turn your big data into big growth”, JOS’s Big Data Solution Day 2016 was successfully held on 13 September 2016. JOS strived to showcase how the company can help customers drive the greatest business value from fast-moving, unstructured or structured and complex streams of data through use of powerful big data technologies. Demonstrating a great success, the event had a large number of C-Level executives, business leaders and IT professionals from different industries in attendance.

To help participants discover the hidden value of their business data, the event featured a series of presentation on the latest big data trends and solution introduction and demonstration, as well as sharing of real cases. JOS’s professional consultant team illustrated a wide array of big data solutions including HPE Data Orchestration – a collaborative platform that merges different intelligences together from data importing, data analytics to data visualisation; WhereScape RED – a data warehouse and big data automation software for building, deploying and renovating analytic solutions; and Tableau – a data visualisation tool.

Benefited from the valuable insights gained from the event, attendees were keen to explore more on the possibilities of leveraging big data technologies to innovate, compete and capture greater business value.

Hong Kong
September 06, 2016

JOS recognised as Microsoft Hong Kong’s Best Licensing Solution Partner of the Year

Hong Kong – 6 September, 2016 – JOS in Hong Kong has been awarded with Microsoft Best Licensing Solution Partner of the Year, an award presented at Microsoft Annual Channel Kick-off 2016 held on 5 September 2016. The award underlines JOS’s strong commitment and remarkable contribution to customers in providing the best IT solutions for businesses in Hong Kong.

Among all Licensing Solution Partners (LSP), JOS was awarded as the best partner with highest attainment for overall LSP scorecard and overall annuity revenue growth year-over-year.

JOS also proves its know-how in Microsoft’s IoT and cloud business and technology solutions in various customer projects, bringing value to their businesses.

September 04, 2016

JOS Singapore promotes data analytics adoption at Singapore Geospatial Challenge Business Analytics Mania 2016

Singapore – 4 September 2016 – JOS Singapore partners with analytics leader SAS Institute, both as Main Sponsor, to support the Singapore Geospatial Challenge Business Analytics Mania (SGCBAM) 2016.

The launch of SGCBAM aligns with the Singapore government’s goal to build up analytics competency, furthering the country’s Smart Nation initiatives. A nationwide competition in Singapore co-organized by National University of Singapore SGCBAM Committee and Singapore Land Authority, the event aims to generate awareness amongst pre-university and university students on the subject of geospatial analysis and its application to business scenarios.

As Main Sponsor of SGCBAM, JOS demonstrated its expertise by providing the underlying IT infrastructure, network and security services configured to support the computational workloads for this nationwide competition. JOS’s solution delivery and support for SGCBAM reflects its commitment and contributions as a trusted IT service provider to the education sector in Singapore. Over 110 pre-university and university students participated in this two-day competition. The participants were tasked with proposing solutions for real-life issues in Singapore through the use of data analytic skills which they have acquired through a workshop hosted earlier by JOS’s software partner, SAS.

Mr. Andrew Tan, Head of Sales and Marketing of JOS Singapore, was invited to be amongst the judging panel, and also offer expert insights on the analysis and application of geospatial data to real-life scenarios. He commented, “At JOS, we are supportive of Singapore’s Smart Nation initiatives and pleased to be the trusted technology enabler for students to learn with cutting-edge visual analytics platform, so as to uncover insights and derive answers for business issues.”

He continued, “Through such initiatives and many others, JOS will continue to advocate and push forth the adoption of data analytics in Singapore business scenarios.”

Visual analytics applications are integral to JOS’s big data solution portfolio, which includes large-scale data storage and processing for businesses to extract, transform and store data, and algorithm development for predictive analytics. Through this event, JOS has effectively demonstrated the potential of data analytics to help overcome business challenges, generate growth opportunities, improve productivity and make smarter decisions.

Hong Kong
August 24, 2016

JOS appoints Barnaby Grosvenor as Group Head of Cyber Security Solutions

Hong Kong – 24 August, 2016 – JOS, one of Asia’s leading systems integrators, solutions providers and technology consultancies, today announced that Barnaby Grosvenor has been appointed as Group Head of Cyber Security Solutions and he is based in the company’s Singapore office. His appointment strengthens JOS’s specialist expertise in this field and underpins the company’s commitment to providing tailored technology solutions to its enterprise customers.

Mr. Grosvenor is an experienced cyber security specialist, having a long and successful track record overseeing enterprise security. He joins JOS from Jardine Lloyd Thompson in London where he was Group Chief Information Security Officer. In his earlier executive leadership roles, he served as CIO for Grey, one of the global leading advertising agencies and CTO and CISO for WPP Group. He also worked for banking giants HSBC and Standard Chartered.

JOS Group Managing Director Mark Lunt said, “Securing the services of a top class cyber security specialist like Mr. Grosvenor is excellent news for JOS. He brings outstanding skills, an end user perspective and experience to our company and his appointment is a powerful demonstration of our commitment to this rapidly-growing and strategically important sector.”

JOS Group Head of Cyber Security Solutions Barnaby Grosvenor said, “I look forward to working with JOS and the clients. Having spent most of my professional career on the client side, I have firsthand experience of dealing with real cyber problems in real time. I know the pain points, what causes sleepless nights and where support and technology is best invested. This is what I will bring to JOS and the clients.”

Working with the company’s Enterprise Security Solution teams, Mr. Grosvenor will help JOS develop and deliver a range of cyber security services and solutions for its customers across Asia.